Sunshine and Lollipops

Someone once told me that there is a place in Florida that only reports good news. That started me thinking about things that make me happy and I decided that the four seasons make me happy. Waking up to a white world, snow on the ground, frosted trees, the crisp smell of the cold air and the crunch the snow makes when you walk.

The stillness of the night and a faint sound of a dog barking in the distance for some reason makes me wistful. The prints you see in your backyard and know that you missed the animal that made them. Curling up to watch the football playoffs and watching the super bowl. Valentines day is always special. Next are the first snowdrops that peak out to find the sun. Wanting to go outdoors to work but knowing it is still too cold.

The windy month of March can be very long or the true beginning of spring. April showers wash away the last remaining snow and everything seems clean again. The presence of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths has to excite even the most Doubting Thomas that good weather is just around the corner. Walking out the back door to smell the lilacs blooming is a daily pleasure. Viewing the flowering quince from the back porch and wishing it would last longer than I know it will. The smell of the first mowing of the season is intoxicating. Waiting for the ground to warm up so that I can plant the vegetable garden and over the next few weeks walking down to catch the progress the seeds and plants are making.

Enjoying the first rainbow of the year can be inspiring. Smelling the first of the ises and marveling once again that the rose trees made it through the winter.  Planting the annuals and having the first of many camp fires.  Driving the car down to the fire pit and turning on the oldies but goodies to sing and listen to.  Sitting on the dock and feeding the fish or watching my husband fish and see the beaming smile that erupts when he catches his first bass of the season and then releasing it because they are really our pets and not a catch.  Enjoying the long days and dipping into the pool for the first time. Having the first tomato of the year and saying “Honey, this is from the garden, doesn’t it taste wonderful?”   The summer holidays, picnics and barbecues are always something to look forward to.  The sounds of the birds early in the morning and the doves cooing during the day and trying to replicate the sound is always fun.  The Dog days of August are truly long.  Its about this time that I start looking forward to Autumn.  The long summer is coming to an end and the nights feel cooler.  We try to leave the bedroom window open as long as possible but shortly we will have to close it half way through the night.

Finally autumn comes, signaling the time to put away the summer furniture, closing the pool and clearing out the vegetable garden.  Collecting all the fruits of the gardens and picking the hickory nuts for anyone that can use them.  The purple color of the sky at dusk and the shortening of the days forces us into the house to watch more on the television.  Slowing down, only to speed up again when the winter holidays are closing in and we work together like ants finalizing a job.  But it’s all good, try not to sweat the small stuff.  That brings us to the end of the seasons or should I say the beginning again.  Try thinking of some of the things that make you happy and you’ll be surprised how happy you will become.

From our backyard to yours, enjoy the four seasons!


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